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Teller County Fair 4-H Project project registration is due Friday, July 19th to the CSU Extension office. Contact Darian Founds at or 719-6865425 if you need anything.

Gardening & Horticulture   arrow

CSU Extension Master Gardeners of Teller County

The Teller County Master Gardeners are gardeners from the local community who attend an 11-week training to hone their skills and then volunteer their knowledge and time back to the community in a variety of ways.

Our Great Potato Giveaway on June 1-2, 2023 gave away 450 pounds of certified seed potatoes from our CSU San Luis Valley Research station. It was an amazing giveaway where all the potatoes were gone in six hours! We’ll be doing this again in 2024 around the end of May or beginning of June at my office. See you all then.

Click Here to Register for the Online Course

2020 Virtual Greenhouse and Garden Tour September 2020

In 2020 we conducted our annual greenhouse and garden tour virtually. You can click on the video links below that we broke up by general location. You will notice that several of the videos use general locations instead of exact addresses, this is to give the gardeners some privacy. If you have questions about any of what you saw on the videos, or would like to be on the tour next year, please email Marisa at

Because these are all YouTube videos, you may need to click the “back” button on your browser to get back to this page after each video has finished.

Ute Pass Area:

Woodland Park and Divide Areas:

Florissant and 11 Mile Areas:

Cripple Creek/Victor Areas:

Other Gardening Resources:

Sam’s Glass Bottle Greenhouse!

2. We’re at the Woodland Park Farmers’ Market every other week sharing information and answering questions.

3. We write articles for the local papers and on our Facebook Page.

4. See the video below for more about what we do in Teller County.

Mountain Gardening Resources:

How to Build a Raised Bed Hoop Cover

Month-by-Month Gardening Book for Teller

This is a book that the Teller County Master Gardeners put together to help gardeners in Teller County know what they should be doing each month to give you the best shot at a successful garden.  The book is $20 and the proceeds go back to cover the cost of continuing education that the master gardeners are required to take each year.  Check out the link below for the Table of Contents and contact Mark at or 719-686-7961 to order a book.

Gardening Book Table of Contents

Gardening Blogs

Teller County Master Gardener Articles

Learn about Becoming a Colorado Master Gardener (CMG):

The Colorado Master Gardener program is a unique intersection between University Horticulture expertise and community volunteers interested in educating locally.

Who are Colorado Master Gardeners (CMGs)?

We’re hands-on in educational school gardens, we’re helping grow food for local communities, and we’re passionate about pollinators. Some of us are into trees and insects and most of us are plant lovers.

We all get that gardening here takes grit and tenacity, which is why we’re providing local expertise for Colorado’s diverse plants and people. We are Colorado Master Gardeners, powered by Colorado State University.

Keeping ahead of COVID-19

This rapidly evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) has imposed an unsettling, fluid situation upon our community and its businesses. While the team here still aims to maintain a “business as usual” approach, we have moved to working from home and conducting training using Zoom and YouTube and other social media sites that is far from normal. For all information on the coronavirus in Teller County, check out the link to the County below.