Teller County Master Gardeners
The Teller County Master Gardeners are gardening experts from the local community who complete a challenging training course and then volunteer their knowledge and time back to the community.
Follow the Teller County Master Gardeners on Facebook (CLICK HERE)
Classes held on Monday evenings at 5:30 at Community Partnership Resource Center in Woodland Park.
$10/class or $50 for all 6 classes. See topics below.

Mountain Gardening Resources:
- Colorado Mountain Gardening Basics
- Fruits and Vegetables that Grow in Teller
- Deer Resistant Plants and Pollinators in Teller
- Landscape Plants and Flowers that Grow in Teller
- Low Water Native Plants for Mountain Communities
- Trees and Shrubs for Mountain Communities
- Ground Cover and Rock Gardens for Mountain Communities
- Tomato Research Colorado 2019
- Tomato Varieties and Qualities (Select only early harvest for Teller)
Sam’s Glass Bottle Greenhouse!
2020 Virtual Garden Tour
Ute Pass Area:
Woodland Park and Divide Areas:
- Chris’ greenhouses and outdoor beds
- Valerie’s Homemade Greenhouse
- Teresa Z’s Greenhouses and In-Ground Beds
- Eva and Ric’s Amazing Self-Designed Greenhouse
- Community Partnership’s Woodland Park Raised Beds
- Community Partnership’s Divide Raised Beds
Florissant and 11 Mile Areas:
- Jana’s Re-purposed Swing Set Raised Beds
- David and Nicole’s Aquaponics Greenhouse
- Sam and Barb’s Greenhouse and Raised Beds 11 Mile
- Sam and Barb’s Amazing Cordwood and Glass Bottle Greenhouses
- Sam and Barb’s Artistic Flower Bed Designs 11 Mile
Cripple Creek/Victor Areas:
Colorado State University Extension Links:
- Yard and Garden Fact Sheets
- Online Gardening Publications
- Garden Notes: Large Gardening Documents and How-To Info
- PlantTalk Colorado: A repository of plant FAQs
- Ask an Expert